What’s in your kitbag?

15 Mar 2018

If you’ve ever wondered what a swimmer needs with them at a competition, fear not. Luke Greenbank took time out from picking up two silver medals at the British Swimming Championships to give us a sneak peek into the contents of his TYR bag.

Contents of Luke's kitbag

1 x training pair of trunks

6 x spare pairs of trunks

1 x towel

1 x Loughborough Performance Centre T shirt (very crumpled!)

2 x goggles

1 x racing pair of trunks

2 x caps

1 x pair of shorts

1 x sheet with start model templates; stroke sheet and timings

1 x drinks bottle. Today orange squash, but usually cranberry because I don’t like the taste of water.

“My bag is usually the same for every event, I usually have a foam roller but have forgotten mine today so have had to borrow one. I don’t have a routine for packing it, just put the big stuff at the bottom and then shove the rest in. The worst thing I’ve ever found in there was an old banana.”